Boys who are growing up are required to be circumcised. Circumcision in the Betawi tradition follows the teaching of Islam. Traditionally, circumcision is carried out by a circumcision shaman, called bengkong, with a tool of circumcision made from bamboo called bebango or bango-bango.
A day before the circumcision, the boy, who is also called pengantin sunat (the circumcision groom), will be dressed in a ceremony costume. A procession is conducted by circling the village with the boy riding a horse or carried on a litter accompanied by tambourines music and pencak silat performance. This procedure is held a day before the circumcision day. The objective is to provide entertainment, joy and enthusiasm to the boy as he will enter the next chapter of his life starting the day after. A series of shalawat prayers will be recited,
In the morning of the event day, the boy will be bathed and soaked for a while. The circumcision procedure will then follow, carried out by a Bengkong, nowadays performed by a doctor. A communal feast will then follow. For families who can afford, the communal feast ceremony is usually complemented by entertainment.