Since the beginning, Betawi has a variety of cultural treasures. One of them is Betawi literature, which nowadays unfortunately seems to be little known by the locals themselves.
On the contrary, according to some sources, Betawi literature has long received attention from scientists abroad. One proof is the publication of various studies about old Betawi literature, which texts are spread in various universities libraries, such as in Leningrad, Russia.
Betawi literature is a work that uses and delivered in Betawi language, written by Betawi people, read and heard by the Betawi people. The story is related to their lives, customs, traditions, religion, behavior, and nature.
According to Betawi historian, Bang Yahya Andi Saputra, Betawi literature consists of oral and written literature. Betawi oral literature has been known since the Betawi people knows arts and culture. Such as saga hikayat, buleng, rancag, pantun, ngerahul, and jampe-jampe which are read when the dukun (shaman) treats the illness of his patient.
The following are some of Betawi literature.