Rebana Biang earns its name, which means big, because one of its tambourines is very large. Rebana Biang consists of three tambourines. The small one with a diameter of 30 cm is named Gendung. The medium sized 60 cm in diameter is called Kotek. The biggest one with a diameter of 60 – 80 cm is called Biang. Because of its large shape, Rebana Biang is difficult to hold. To play it, the players would have to sit while holding back the tambourines.
In delivering a song, the three tambourines have their own functions. Biang functions as a gong. Gendung is beaten regularly to fill the beat of the punch from Biang. Kotek is more improvised and Kotek players are usually the most proficient. Initially this tambourine was born related to tarekat activities. The songs include Allahu-Ah, Robbuna Salun, Allah Aisa, Allahu Sailillah, Alfasah, Dul Sayiduna, Dul Laila, and others.
Each rebana group has a different song repertoire. Even though the title of the song is the same but the way it is performed is quite different. There are two kinds of Rebana Biang songs. The first one is fast rhythm, called Arabic song or nyalun. The second one is slow rhythm, called rebana song or Malay song. The first type of songs include: Rabbuna Salun, Allahah, Allah Aisa, Allahu Sailillah, Hadro Zikir. The second one examples are: Alfasah, Alaik Soleh, Dul Sayiduna, Dul Laila, Yulaela, Sollu Ala Madinil Iman, Chicks Down Selosin, Bean Roasted, and others.
The naming of Arabic songs and Malay songs is not related to the lyrics of the song, but on the fast or slow pace of the song. Fast and slow rhythm of the song is needed to accompany the dance. The dance accompanied by Rebana Biang is the Blenggo dance.