Jipeng is an acronym of the words Tanji and Topeng (Mask). As an art of fusion, the procedure for performing Jipeng is no different from performing Mask. The difference lies at the beginning part of the show and the costumes. The costumes used by Jipeng players are simpler. For Jipeng dancers, they wear kebaya, long cloth, and a long scarf tied around the waist. The Mask show begins with an arang-arangan song or enjot-enjotan, while Jipeng show begins with march songs of Tanjidor style. The themes and stories of Jipeng are not much different from Mask.
The Lenong performance, especially Lenong Preman accompanied by Tanjidor music is called Jinong. Jinong, in its time, stood alone as a folk theater. The play sung by Jinong is usually the same as in lenong’s play. The plays of Si Jampang, Si Pitung, Si Angkri Jago Pasar Ikan, are favorites in Jinong show.