Gambang Rancag

Gambang Rancag consists of two elements, Gambang and Rancag. Gambang is the accompanying music and Rancag are the pantun (traditional oral poetry) which tells stories.

Gambang Rancag are songs about Betawi folklore in the form of interwoven pantun. Gambang Rancag’s topics are generally about heroes, such as: Si Pitung, Si Jampang, Si Angkri, and others. The plays were converted into an interwoven pantun, sung by two people in turn, similar with reciprocal or traded pantun.

In Gambang Rancag, there are always three parts. The opening part filled with instrumental songs is called phobin songs. This section serves to gather the audience. The songs include: Ma Tsu Thay, Kong Jie Lok, Phe Pan Tauw, Ban Kie Hwa, Phe Boo Tan, Ban Liauw.

The second part is filled with displays of entertainment songs. Entertainment songs are also called Lagu Sayur (vegetable songs). This section functions as a transition before the main part begins. There are many types of these  songs, for example: Sweet Cente, Kramat Karem, Yellow Betel, Glatik Nguknguk, Surilang, Lenggang Kangkung, Kudehel, Kicir-Kicir, Jali-Jali, Mangkok Cake, Renggong Manis, Seren Balok, Siantan Landasan, Stambul, Stambul Bujuk, Stambul Bila, Stambul Caca, Stambul Jampang, Stambul Siliwangi, Persi Rusak and Persi Jalan.

The third part is the main part (rancag). The songs here include : Dendang Surabaya, Gelatik Nguknguk, Persi, phobin Jago, Phobin Tintin, and Phobin Tukang Sado.