1. Buni
Buni is a clustered fruit similar to cranberries. Young buni fruit has a yellowish color but gradually goes dark red. It has runny texture when it is eaten. It contains natural pigments that can be used as natural dyes. Usually buni fruit is used as salad and can also be made for jam.
2. Jamblang
Jamblang fruit, commonly also called jambu keling and duwet, has a Latin name Syzygium cumini. This fruit is classified as a type of guava (Myrtaceae). Jamblang or duwet fruit is often found and cultivated in tropical Asia and Australia. Currently, jamblang trees have been planted throughout tropics and subtropics.
The jamblang or duwet tree has characteristics of solid wood, coarse-textured and elliptical leaves. Its flower is fragrant and greenish-white. The trees produce oval-shaped fruit with a length of about 1.5 – 3.5 cm. If the fruit is ripe, it becomes dark purple and has delicious taste.
3. Jambu Bol Fruit
Jambu Bol or red guava is a kind of guava fruit that has red color and sweet taste. Its flesh is denser and softer than water guava. Jambu bol is usually planted by seeding and grafting. The fruit is blossomed in between May-June but is ready to be harvested in between August-September.
4. Kecapi
Kecapi or cotton fruit is a rare fruit, which is also known as sentul and ketuat. It is believed that the fruit originated from the Indochina region and the Malay Peninsula. It then expanded to Indonesia and several other countries.
This fruit has a flat shape with a diameter of about 5-6 cm. The skin is golden yellow and has a sweet and sour taste. Its outer flesh has a red color while the inner one is white with soft texture. Kecapi flesh is usually also processed into sweets.
5. Bisbul
Bisbul fruit is similar to persimmon. Bisbul fruit is commonly called buah mentega or butter fruit but in Java, it is called sembolo. Meanwhile, Malays called it buah lemak. Bisbul fruit can be eaten directly when it is ripe. However, it can also be used as a mixture of rujak. Bisbul is round with furry reddish brown skin. Its flesh is white with a dry texture. It has sweet taste and a fragrant aroma.
6. Gohok
Gohok, kupa, or kepa is a rare fruit tree belonging to members of the guava famili. It is originated from regions in Indonesia, especially Java and Kalimantan. Gohok has various names in regional languages including: Gohok (Betawi), Kupa, Kupa Beunyeur (Sundanese), Gowok, Dompyong (Javanese). Gohok trees have small to medium sizes with 8 to 20-meter high. The leaves are single faced and oval. Gowok fruits are dicotyl.
7. Rukem
This fruit was very popular around the 90s among children in the Betawi region and in other areas in Indonesia. Before and during 1990s, Rukem fruit trees were everywhere; in the house backyard, rice fields, and on the sides of the roads.
In Java, this fruit is called rukem, gandarukem, or gerendang. In Kalimantan, people call this fruit klangtatahkutang. In addition, in West Nusa Tenggara, it is usually called lobe-lobe. In some other countries, rukem is referred to as Jawa Ruanda (in Japan), Rukam (in Philippines), and Ta Khop Thai (in Thailand).
Although rukem is often found as a wild plant, not many people are interested in cultivating rukem trees. In fact, this fruit has many benefits for health; from treating diarrheal diseases, maintaining digestive health, reducing menstrual pain, removing insect bites, to treating swollen eyes.
8. Menteng
Menteng fruit in Java is called kepundung or pundung. It is also known in other local names, such as rusip, kisip (Sumatera), engkuni, enkunik, kayu masam, longkuno, moho liok (Kalimantan), asam tambun, rambi, tamut, tampoi (Malaysia).
Menteng or kepundung trees can reach a height of 15 to 25 meters. The canopy is solid but irregular. The trunk’s texture is smooth or scaly with orange flaps. The fruit is similar to duku fruit (lanzones) but has a shiny skin and a sweet and sour taste. The plant name is currently used as a name of an elite area in central Jakarta that is near to the center of governmental offices.
However, considered of having less economic values, it is now becoming scarce. It is even difficult to find the fruit in fruit central market Pasar Minggu in South Jakarta.