
Betawi People

Written by: Yahya Andi Saputra

Since a long time ago, Jakarta and its greater areas (now called the Jabodetabek: Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) was inhabited by Betawi people. The Betawi people, classified as proto-Melayu Betawi, were inhabitans of the northern part area of western Java. They were called proto because their ethnicity was unknown at that…

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Sekilas Perkampungan Budaya Betawi

Written by: Indra Sutisna

Betawi Cultural Village is an area in South Jakarta which showcases Betawi culture: arts, architecture, customs,  traditions, literature, folklores, clothing, culinary and others. It is located at Srengseng Sawah Village, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, with an area of ​​about 289 hectares, adjacent to Jl. Mochammad Kahfi…

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